Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/208

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ror, think of depriving any, thing of life, and do not leſs reſpect it in the ſmalleſt inceſt, than in the huge elephant.

They hold there is but one God infinitely perfect; who has exiſted from-all eternity; but that there are three ſubordinate Deities, namely, Brama, whom he'veſted with the power of creation; Whiſtnow, the preſerver; and Routeren, the enemy and deſtroyer of mankind. The ſupreme Divinity is often typified under the form of a Being, with a number of eyes and hands, to impreſs, the minds of the people with a ſtrong idea of his penetration and power, and induce them to be very exact in the performance of
