Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/311

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Notwithſtanding the paſſions of men, and the quick circulation of caſh amid ſuch buſtling ſcenes, it ſeldom happens that baſe coin is ever found among the gains of the fortunate. The following; is the only inſtance, within my recollection, of it's being paired in the country:

A Seapoy, poſſed of fifty rupees, his ſole treaſure, was going from Calcutta to Patna; on the way, he met a man of genteel appearance, to whom, in the courſe of a free converſation, he unboſomled himſelf, and diſcovered the bulk of his fortune. His fellow—traveller, who proved to be a coiner, oſerved, that as his (the Seapoy's)
