Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/312

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rupees were the currency of Calcutta, it would be his intereſt to Change them for thoſe of Patna, whither he was going, as he would. benefit confiderably by the exchange; and that he could oblige him with the coin of that city. The poor ſoldier, thankfully accepting the offer, counted down his fifty good? pieces of; ſilver, for fifty glittering baſe ones of the ſharper, and parting him with a mutual ſhake of the hands, proceeded on his journey. Not until his arrival at Muxadabad, where he was about a purchaſing ſome neceſſary, did he diſcover the ſhining ſpecimens of his friend's ingenuity, and making ſome very diſmal, though pertinent reflections on the occaſion, with a
