Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/313

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countenance, on which you could read in legible characters, A BLANK, he exclaims --- I was a ſtranger, and he humanely took me in.

After perambulating every ſtreet and alley of the large town of Muxadahad, and pervading every 7 corner of it's precincts, he, at length, found his quandam companion at a gaming table, and in a paroxyſm of gratitude not to be expreſſed by my unequal pen, ſeized him by the collar, beſtowing on him, at the ſame time, ſuch violent careſſes of rude friendſhip, as greatly disfigured his perſon and apparel. When the firſt tranſports were over, he requeſted his money,
