Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/359

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like that fortreſs,impregnable. The Raja, however, not judging the ſtrength of Bidgegur a ſufficient ſecurity againſt the conqueror of Ganlin, abandoned it, leaving behind him a part of thoſe treaſures, which were the cauſe of his misfortunes; and reſigning that honour in the Perſons of his women, which he had ſo highly eſtimated, himſelf a. wretched fugitive flying for protection to the uncertain aſylum of thoſe who were only in a ſtate of precarious ſecurity,

The Ranee; mother, beſides his women, and ſuch of the defendants of Bulevant-ſing, as ſtil adhered to him, continued in the fort, with a certain military force, as
