Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/360

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guardians of the remainder of his, treaſure, which, in diamonds and ſpecie amounted to a very conſiderable value.

Major Popham, who behaved with great ſpirit and firmneſs, ſpent an entire month in ſubduing the utmoſt difficulties, and, at length, as he was on the point of ſpringing a mine, the Ranee, who ſeemed to have the ſole direction of affairs after the departure of her ſon, ſurrendered the fort by capitulation, in the terms of which, the was to be allowed fifteen per cent on all the effects given up by her, and to have her choice of reſiding unmoleſted, (illegible text) with her ſon, or elſewhere in (illegible text). In the one caſe, she
