Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/377

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the ſeaſon was fine, and the Farmers were juſt returning from the fields with the fruits of the harveſt. It was not uncommon to ſee two thouſand bullocks carrying corn, the property of one yeoman, to the granaries. There are many fine ſeats on each ſide of the river with a continued variety of beautiful improvements, ſtriking landſcapes, and ſublime ſcenes of rural imagery, which, at once, aſtoniſh and delight the enraptured view.

Having completed the moſt pleaſan' voyage imaginable, five, at length, arrived at Dacca, one of the moſt extenſive cities in the province of Bengal, which in twenty-four degrees north latitude, on an eaſtern
