Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/39

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of every thing about me ſo contraſted to thoſe ſtriking ſcenes in India, which we are wont to ſurvey with a kind of ſublime delight, that I felt- ſome timid inclination, even in the conſciouſneſs of incapacity, to deſcribe the manners of my countrymen, who, I am proud to think, have ſtill more of the innocence of our anceſtors, than fome of the boaſting philoſophers of Europe,

Though I acknowledge myſelf incapable of doing juſtice to the merits of men, whoſe happy manners are worthy the imitation of civilized nations, yet, you will no me the juſtice to believe, that the gratification of your, Wiſhes, is the principal incitement that engages mete under-
