Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/40

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take a work of this nature : the earneſt entreaties of ſome friends, and the liberal encouragement of others, to whom I expreſs my acknowledgments, I allow, are ſecondary motives.

The people of India, in general, are peculiarly favoured by Provia dence in the poiTefiion of all that can cheer the mind and allure the eye, and tho’ the fituation of Eden is only traced in the Poet’s creative fancy, the traveller beholds With ad-v miratidn the face of this delightful country, on which he difcovers tracts that refemble thofe f0 finely drawn, by the animated pencil of Milton. You will here behold the generous ~foil crowned with various plenty; the garden beautifully diverfified B '2. with