Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/401

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favourable, we reached Madapallam in ſeven days, and came to an anchor. The Captain and paſſengers went aſhore, ſome remaining here, and others, whom I accompanied, being led by curioſity to viſit Madraſs about eight miles hence, while the ſhip, which was to continue here a fortnight, was taking in ſome bales of Chintz and callico.

Madraſs or Fort St. George is a regular ſquare about a hundred yards at each ſide, with four bastions, built with what they call ironſtone, being of the colour of un-wrought iron, and very rough, on the outſide like honey-comb. There is no ditch about the fort, and the walls are arched and hollow within,
