Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/402

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and are therefore not cannon proof. It has two gates, one to the eaſt, and the other to the weſt.

The weſtern gate which looks towards the land, is pretty large; and here the main guard is kept, the ſoldiers of the guard lying on the right and left of it, under the wall, which being hollow, ſerves them inſtead of a guard houſe. The eaſt gate towards the ſea, is but ſmall, and protected only by a file of muſquteers. In the middle of the fort ſtands the Governor's houſe, in which are apartments for the Company's ſervants: it is a handſome, lofty, ſquare, ſtone building; the firſt rooms are aſcended by ten or twelve ſteps, and from thence
