Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/44

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plies to the Raja Sataproy, who finding himſelf diſappointed in his expectations, ſent ſome of his people to compel them to pay: but the others retired within their forts, determined on making an obſtinate defence. My father having received orders to lead out his men to the ſcene of diſpute, which lay about twelve miles from the fort he was quartered in, marched accordingly, and ſoon after his arrival at Taharah, took the Raja Boudmal priſoner; and ſent him under a ſtrong guard to Patna, where he was obliged to account for his conduct. My father remained in the field, giving the enemy ſome ſtriking Proofs of the courage of their adverſary; which drove them to ſuch meaſures, that
