Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/45

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they ſtrengthened their poſts and redoubled their attacks with ſuch ardour, that many of our men fell, and my lamented father among the reſt; but not till he had entirely exhauſted the forces of the Raja, who, at length, ſubmitted. The ſoldiers, animated by his example, made Corexin a priſoner, and took poſſeſſion of the fort.

Thus have I been deprived of a gallant father, whoſe firmneſs and reſolution was manifeſted in his military conduct on ſeveral occaſions.

My brother, then about ſixteen years old, and the only child my mother had beſides me, was preſent at the engagement, and having re-