Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/59

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one extremity of the line, was Col. Leſlie's; at the other, Major Morriſon's. The ſecond line was drawn in a parallel direction with the firſt, at a about a quarter of a mile from the river: the front was the reſidance of the Officers; the rere a barrack for the ſoldiers; and the intermediate ſpace was left open for the purpoſe of exerciſing the men, a duty which was, every day, performed with punctuality. Near a mile farther off, was the Seapoys' chaumnies; and a ſhort ſpace from them, the horſe barrack. Thus was the ſituation of the camp at Bankeepore.

The Officers' bangaloes were conſtructed on a plan peculiar to the
