Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/60

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taſte of the natives. They were quite ſquare; the ſides were made of mats, and the roof; which was ſupported by pillars, thatched with bamboes and ſtraw, much after the manner of the farmer's houſes in this country: their entrance was wide, and opened to a ſpacious hall that contained on each wing, the ſervants' apartments, inſide which, were the gentlemen's dining—rooms and bed-chambers, with large frames in the partitions, and purdoes, that anſwered the ſame end as our doom and windows faſtened to thoſe frames,

Purdoes are a contrivance made of coarſe muſlin, ornamented with fancy ſtripes and variegated colours, and ſo Well quilted. that they render
