Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/61

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the cooleſt ſituations agreeably warm: they are let up and down occaſionally, to invite the refreſhing breeze, or repel the ſickly ſunbeam. Inſide is a kind of ſcreen called cheeque, made of bamboes as ſmall as wire, and interwoven in a curious manner, with various coloured thread, that keeps them together; it is let up and down like the purdee? when occaſion requires, and, admirable to conceive! precludes the prying eye outſde from piercing through it, though it kindly permits the happy perſon within to gaze on every paſſing object.

The Colonel and Major had larger and more, commodious bangaloes, than the other, Officers, with adja-
