Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/62

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adjacent out-houſes, and ſtables. On the left angle, Renting the road, was the Colonel's guard-houſe, and ſtood diametrically oppoſite to his bangaloe; between which and thoſe of the Officers, is ſituate an ever-verdant grove incloſed with a brick wall: overſhadowed by the ſpreading trees inſide, a few grand edifices built by the, Nabobs, made a fine appearance; among which was the Bank of Meſſieurs Herbert and Halambdry, the dwelling of Mr. Barry, Contract Agent, and a powder magazine.

The barrack of the European ſoldiers, was a hang: of apartments, whoſe partitions were made of mats and bamboes, and roofs thatched
