Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/63

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with ſtraw. The chaumnies of the Seapoys were on the ſame plan; and ſuch of them as had families, built dwellings near the chaumnies.

There are but few public buildings at Bankeepore: the duly remarkable one that appeared in its environs, was the houſe of Mr; Goolden; who lived about a mile from the camp: it was a fine ſpacious building, finiſhed in the Engliſh ſtyle; and as it ſtood on a riſing ground, it ſeemed to rear its dome in ſtately pride, over the aromatic plains and ſpicy groves that adorned the landſcape below, commanding an extenſive proſpect of all the fertile vales along the winding Ganges flowery banks. The happy
