Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/64

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poſſeſſor of this finely ſituated manſion, was in high eſteem among the Officers, for his politeneſs and hoſpitality.

At ſome diſtance from Mr. Goolden's, lived Mr. Rumble, a Gentleman who received the Contracts of the Company, for the ſupply of Boats and other ſmall craft. Mr. Baker had the utmoſt eſteem for this Gentleman, for his many good qualities, and frequently viſited him; For the honour of my country, I cannot help obſerving here, that no people on earth can be more attentive or reſpectful to the European Ladies reſiding among them, than the natives of all deſcriptions in India.
