Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/77

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cattle tackled with the utmoſt expedition. The Quarter Matters provided every neceſſary accommodation for the march: ſome of the ſtores they ſent before them by water; the reſt was drawn in hacketies and waggons, by bullocks. Mr. Baker, who was alſo Quarter Maſter, and his brother Officers in the ſame line, had each a company of Seapoys, as a piquet guard along the road, and about ſeven hundred attendants, who were occaſſionally employed, as the army moved their camp, in pitching and ſtriking the tents, compoſed of the loweſt order of the people reſiding in the country, and forming many diſtinct tribes, according to their various occupations. We had a certain
