Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/78

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number of theſe men appointed to attend the garriſon, which was uſually augmented on a march, and diſtinguiſhed under the various appellations of Laſcars, Cooleys, Beſides, and Charwalleys. They ſet out with us, a day before the main body of the army, accompanied by several claſſes of tradeſmen, ſuch as ſhoe-makers, carpenters, ſmiths, ſail-makers, and others capable of ſupplying the camp; and were ranged into four departments, in order to perform the laborious buſneſs of the expedition without confuſion. To each department was aſſigned it's reſpective duty: the employment of the Laſcars, who were moſtly a blue jacket, turban, ſaſh, trouſers, was to pitch and
