Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/87

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which-they ſoon idſrobed of its decorations, and rifled me of what money I had in my pocket, and every garment on my body, except a thin pair of trouſers. So cruel were the mercileſs ſavages, that ſome were forming the barbarous reſolutions of taking away my life, leſt my eſcape would lead to a diſcovery of them; while others leſs inhuman, oppoſſed the meaſure, by obſerving I was too young to injure them, and prevailed on their companions to let me go. I reached the camp with Winged feet, and went directly to Mr. Baker, who was much alarmed when he heard of my dangerous ſituation, but more aſtoniſhed at my arrival; and when I related by what means my life was
