Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/88

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ſpared, and liberty obtained, he admired ſuch humanity in a ſavage breaſt.

A few of thoſe ravagers, who loitered behind the reſt, were firſt detected by the guard, purſued, and taken: the track of others was, by this clew diſcovered; many of whom were apprehended, and received the puniſhment due to their crimes, for ſuch wanton depredations. They were flogged through the camp and their ears and noſes cut off, as a ſhameful example to their lawleſs confederates. Their rapacity occaſſioned us to delay longer at Fulwherea, than we inetended. We had ſcarcely ſuppreſſed thoſe licentious barbarians, when
