Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/50

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acknowledgment of God with both and the recognition of our duties to the neighbor to get on well.

A man or woman who does not acknowledge the Divine is unhappy, restless, and sometimes the conscience is not very active to keep one true to one's obligations. A good deal of moral support is necessary to enable us to walk straight through life.

A belief in the Divine helps as nothing else does to keep us faithful to our obligations, and especially to marriage. We are not bodies alone; not minds alone; but spirit primarily, and from spirit we have minds and bodies.

Religion not only unites man with God but also with his wife. A marriage without religion is apt to be a restless one, and oftentimes an unhappy one. If you are at all religious, be sure to marry one who is either religious, or has deep respect for religion. The same advice applies to the young man who is religious.
