Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/51

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"Whom shall I marry?" This question is a very personal one for both sexes. It is tremendously important. It is universal in its interest. It is a vital question.

But many people do not realize that girls and women are asking it for the first time in history. That may come as a surprise. Many have supposed that girls and women have always had somewhat to say as to whom they should marry; but historically it is not the case.

No doubt women through the ages have wondered whom they might marry, but it was idle for them to ask the question. Their consent has had little to do with the case. Their husband was provided for them. They had to accept whomever was offered. It was not even possible for them to refuse to be married. Willing or unwilling they had to undergo what the world has called marriage.

Some people may question my statement. Let us
