Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/62

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are walking along the street, any street of any city where the crowds are great.

As you look out on this vast throng of people, most of whom seem to be feminine, doesn't it strike you that a crowd such as we are looking at now is made up of a great variety of types, each one as different from the other as if they had only the common factor of a common humanity? Did you ever wonder why they are so different?

Take, for example, their stature. They are not at all of the same height. They vary greatly in that respect.

Then consider their figures, men and women. Why are they so different as to slimness and stoutness and shape and height and contour of face and color of eyes and hair and tint of skin? Do they come from such a vast variety of countries and sections of our country where the water and food are different? Do different thoughts and feelings and moods and inheritances make all these differences of a physical kind?

But I know you are interested in seeing the girls, and particularly the one girl of all the world for you. Do you suppose she is in this throng? Who can tell? How is it possible to find her, she who is to be dearer to you than life?

Well, let us look at them. Is she to be tall or
