Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/63

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short, large or small, stout or thin, or just medium as to stature and figure?

Let us see your size. You are about five feet nine inches, and weigh about one hundred and seventy pounds. That is a good size. Somehow, so far as size is concerned, possibly a girl a little smaller than you are will about suit you. People usually like people about their own size when it comes to marriage. The girl likes to look up just a little bit to her husband, and at the first she certainly ought not to weigh as much as he; in fact, considerably less than one hundred and seventy pounds.

Yet one of the happiest couples I ever knew, one of the happiest marriages, was of a man who was not over five feet three and a woman who was easily five feet ten inches. That is the way I remember them. I saw them walking down the aisle of the church the night they were married. I was only a little boy, but the impression made upon me of the difference in height was strong. I saw them many times afterwards and always I thought of their difference in height, and yet I always thought of their obvious happiness.

Still the suggestion I have made as to a man being taller and heavier is one that experience confirms us in believing to be wise.

Now shall it be a blonde or brunette? They say
