Page:The Vedanta-sutras, with the Sri-bhashya of Ramanujacharya.djvu/20

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deserves to be discarded.

9. Because (also) there would then be the contradiction of the proposition (enunciated in the context).

10. Because (also) there is (mentioned in the context) the withdrawal (of the individual self) into its own cause (i. e. into the Sat}.

11. Because there has to be a similarity of import (between the passage under reference and the other passages relating to the cause of the creation, &c., of the world).

12. Because also it is revealed (in the very Upanishad in which the passage under discussion occurs, and in other Upanishads, that the Supreme Self is the cause of the universe).

13. That which is denoted by the word Anandamaya (is the Brahman); because there is, (in the context), the repetition (of various grades of bliss which culminate in the Anandamaya or the Highest Bliss).

14. It may be said that owing to there being the affix (may at) significant of modification (the Anandamaya) is not (the Brahman} but it is not (right to say) so; because that (affix mayat) signifies abundance.

15. Because also He (the Anandamaya) is declared (in the context) to be the cause of that (which forms the bliss of the individual souls).

16. (Because) also that same Being, who is denoted by the words of the mantra (in the context), is declared (there to be the Anandamaya).

17. He who is other (than the Brahman) is not (that Being who is denoted by the words of the mantra), because (in such a case) there would be inappropriateness.

18. Because also there is (in the context) the declaration of difference (between the individual self and the Brahman}.