Page:The Vedanta-sutras, with the Sri-bhashya of Ramanujacharya.djvu/21

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19. Because also His will (is in itself the cause of creation), the pradhdna is not needed (by Him in the act of creation just as it is needed by the individual self).

20. (Because) also it (viz. the scripture) declares (that) his (i. e. the individual self's) acquisition of that (bliss takes place when he is) in (association with) this (Anandamaya).

21. He (i. e. the Person) who is within (the Sun and the eye is the Brahman], because His attributes are declared (in the context).

22. And He is different (from the Sun and other individual selves), because., also there is the declaration of difference (between the Brahman on the one hand, and the Sun and other individual selves on the other).

23. That which is denoted by the word Akasa (is the Brahman}, because His peculiar characteristics (are mentioned in the context in relation to what is denoted by that word).

24. For that same reason (which has been given in the case of the Akasa), He who is denoted by the word Prana (also in the context is the Brahman}.

25. That which is denoted by the word Jyotis (is the Brahman), because there is the mention of (His) feet (in a connected context).

26. If it be said that, on account of the metre (known as the gayatrl] being mentioned (in the context, the Light or Jyotis described above is) not (the Brahman), it is not (right to say) so ; because the teaching (here) relates to the concentration of the mind (on the Brahman) conceived as that same (gayatri) : indeed the scripture declares it accordingly.

27. Because also it is appropriate only thus to declare that (intelligent) beings and other objects form the