Page:The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood.djvu/136

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ing for the remedy that we offer you here practically for nothing. Give the methods here advised a trial for two weeks, and after that there will be no need to spur you on to further efforts—you will continue without the necessity of such incentives.

If you feel tired before going through all the movements advised, do not try to finish them the first few times. At the conclusion of your reclining exercises, stand on the floor and take an exercise similar to jumping a rope until you begin to breathe freely, then draw in a few deep inhalations, after which take a cold sitz bath (immersing hips only in water.) If this cannot be done conveniently, take a cold sponge bath, and stoop down over a basin of water, dipping up the water and allowing it to run freely over the private organs.

After the covers are removed you can begin the exercises, bearing in mind the instructions given in reference to how long each movement should be continued.

Exercise No. 1.—Recline flat on back, raise the hips as high as you can off the bed,