Page:The Visit of the Teshoo Lama to Peking.djvu/38

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radiance,[1] and a help to keep the wheel of the Law revolving to the greatest good.

On the day of the Fire and the Cock of[2] the 7th month, in the autumn in the year of the Golden Rat, the holy[3]priest, Pan-ch‘an Erdeni, came from Hou Tsang,[4] passing over 20,000 li to see Us.

  1. 7.—lit. added to the eternal burning lamp (of Buddhism). Manjusri is sometimes also styled the lamp of wisdom and supernatural power.
  2. 8.—i.e. the 21st day of the 7th month, presumably September of 1780.
  3. 9.—聖=holy is a higher designation than 眞=true, perfect, elevated, which is often used as an honorific title for both prominent Buddhist and Taoist priests. It is higher than 仙=immortal.
  4. 10.—後藏=Ulterior Tibet south-westwards from Central Tibet 前藏, as the 聖武記 calls it, while 前藏 comprehends the Eastern part of Tibet with Chiamdô 察木多 and 阿里 Ngari=Western Tibet.
    Shigatse is the capital of Hou Tsang. Although the Central Government of Lhassa exercises a conspicious influence on its temporal affairs, the Pan-ch‘an Erdeni is considered to hold the balance of power. The highest representative of the Chinese Government in Hou Tsang is the 糧道 in Shigatse. (vide also my article, "Einge Worte über Tibet" published in the Ostasiatische Lloyd, XV. Jahrgang, 41 Nummer, 1901.)