Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/228

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Ireland some of the post Boys that are full of your praise, for I must own I am delighted when I hear you commended, let it come out of what mouth it will. I suppose you have the post Boys sent you, that of Saturday sevenight, upon the complaint of Count Mafee and Don Louis has been the cause

of Abel R being taken into custody. 'Tis supposed his

punishment won't be very great, for all the world concludes it too good a paper for him to be the Author of, and too much

the sence of our present M for him to fear being left in

the lurch't. The last week Mr. Drummon and his Wife was here and very much carrest by Mrs. Masham, and her friends cry him up for one that has been a great support of our credit abroad, and very instrumental in laying the ground work of this good Peace we are likely to have ; but I must do them the justice, that to me they own that you have the honour of doing your Queen and country emminent service it this affair. The Whigs begin to rail at Mons*" Buys and make him a sort of a Monster, calling him a Tory Dutchman, and are very angry that they were not permited to go on with their sup- scribtions for burning the Divil and the Pope &c., all their fine figures being seized by a warrant from Lord Dartmouth, and the train bands out to prevent any tumult, for there has been information that the Duke of Montague, Edgecomb, and Steel were to be at the head of the Mob that was to have made this procession ; if so I know nobody has more reason to be thankfull ^twas prevented. We had a Council here last Saturday and I hear Lord Privy Seal and Mr. St. Johns are named to be Plenipos with you. Lord P. S. took his leave of Sir John Waters and told him he shou'd see him no more till he came from Holland. Sir Harry St. Johns in a very obliging manner desired that the first letter I writ to you I wou'd be full of his acknowledgements to you for the many favours you have show'd his son at the Hague.

I have not left room to subscrib my name so I hoped you'l pardon me if I do it in this cover, paper being scarce with me hercj and believe me to be with much truth

Your, &c.

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