Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/229

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The Duke of Marlborought came alone hercasunday, went up the back Stair and about a quarter of an hour with the Queen, and went strait back again without dinning, but he come again this morning just as the Queen came in from taking the air, and dines with Lord Hahfax.

��[Lady Strafford.]

St. James's Square, November 25, 171 1. My dearest life and soul,

.... I am very glad you aprove of my going to Hampton Court. The Queen cam to town last night and after church to day see the Ladys that car'd to goe in her Bed Chamber. I went and she spoke more to me then to any body that was there. I have been to night at the Duchess of Sumersets who is realy extremly oblidging to me, and I have also been at Mrs. Massham's to night. I was at her Grace of Shrews- bury's who I think is more rediculouse in her talk then ever. She told all the company as they cam in that she was very much out of humour for she had things growing upon her tooes like thumbs that made her so lame she could not stirr

St. James's '^oixikvs., November 2-], 171 1.

.... Next to you I believe Lady Wentworth loves me better then any of her childaren. I own I believe sister Betty in her self wou'd be very good humour'd, but my sister Aurundell governs her as won wou'd a child, and she is with her every day and they get som little od body or othere to play at cards, and such a dirty place sure nobody ever went into, and they eat jelly and drink Chockolet from morning tell night. .... I went last week to see our picktures and I like them worse than ever I did, for he has made a Dwarfe of you and a Giant of me, and he has not tooched the dressing of them sence you went. I made Capt. Powell scold at hime to mend them, for they are nethere of them like. He is so ingaged with the Marlborough daughters that he minds no body elce.

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