Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/383

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Angelsca, Arch Bishop of York, Lord Cartcrwright and Lord Asburnham ; Lord Abington was a seeker and staid out of the house till the Questions was over. The two questions we carried was that the time shou'd be left to the Queen when she wou'd ishue her proclamation against the pretender, and that the reward that was to be given shou'd not be for his head, but to those that shou'd apprehend him and bring him to justice. To day there's mighty matters talk of to be done, and the Whigs are come off poorly, for the 4000/. that has made a noise as having been ishued from the Treasurery to Jackobite

Highlanders, has been bravely own by my Lord T , and

not near the sums that has been given them by the late Ministry to keep them quiet, and besides 'twas some on't to persons that were unjustly taken up on suspicion of the late invasion.

They cou'd not prove that Sir Patrick Lawis has any com- mission from any Prince, but that he came over with the Spanish Embassador by a Spanish name, and if he gave offence to any body he was ready to be gone. This is all that was done to day ; the lords have adjourn'd till munday.

London, April 13, 17 14. Dear Brother,

To day the lords were to be upon the papers that lyes before them of the Spanish treaty, &c., but the Queen's answere to their Address being first reported to the house, there were some lords that seem'd not to think it so clare as they cou'd wish. Therefore they begun to speech it, and wou'd have had a representation to the Queen to show they had reason at this time so to address her, but that matter was work't off and they came to a resolution of addressing her again upon the Answer. I shall not endeavour to write the Answer because you'll sec it in print, and I heard it but once read ; nor can I pretend to give you an exact account how the Debate was managed, because my Lord North still insists that none of us shall come in to hear them. The house devided upon the Word ' industriously ' being put in, wch

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