Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/384

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was proposed by the Court, they were equal 6i and 6i, till the Proxys were call'd for, and then we courtiers carried it by two. I am told that the Bishop of London and Bishop of York and the new Bishop of Bristol, Smaldridge, were against the Court. All the observation I have heard from this day's debate is that the Party against the Ministry increase daily and portends a change of some of them.

By the next post I hope to give you a better account of this matter. A thursday the house of commons have the state of the nation under their consideration, and they will sett all matters right, for I have heard some of those honest Gentle- men say that the sure way to bafle the whigs is to put a negative to all the Whigs propose.

Mons. Shout has desired a Writ to summon the Duke of Cambridge* to the house, and 'tis order'd.

London, April i6, 17 14. Dear Brother,

They tell me Lord B Narative will be printed, or

else before this I wou'd have endeavour'd to have sent it you. You'll see by the printed votes how the business went yester- day in the house of Commons ; and to day I have been an evesdroper at the door of the house of Lords and have staid so long to hear how matters went there that I can't this post tell you the particulars I have gather'd ; only that, the Question was carried for thanks to the Queen for the care she has taken of her subjects, notwithstanding the obstructions she has met with, and the desire of the lords that she'l con- tinue with the same steadfastness to promote the general good of Europe. In short the Question was carry'd by 19.

The Bishop of London was with the Court now, and I believe Lord Angelsea was so to, for he did not speak a word in this day's debate.

The truth is I have been so long fasting that I am gone to eat and drink and defer writ more perticular till next post.

  • The Prince Electoral of Hanover, afterwards George II. "Shout"

was Baron Schutz, the Hanoverian Envoy.

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