Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/101

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Bad news, they say, travels fast, and certainly it must have made a record trip throughout the length and breadth of Randall that afternoon.

Tom and the others had scarcely changed from their football togs into ordinary clothes before half a score of their fellows demanded to know if they had heard the rumors that were flying around.

"We sure have," replied Tom. "How much truth is there in them, Jerry Jackson?"

"I don't know," replied the Jersey twin.

"We only heard as much as you did," echoed his brother.

"Prexy will make an announcement at chapel to-morrow morning, if there's anything in it," declared Dutch Housenlager.

"Then I wish it was chapel time now," murmured Phil. "I don't like this suspense."

"Me either," declared Sid.

"Well, there's one consolation," put in Frank