Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/102

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Simpson. "If it's got anything to do with the law there's no present danger that the college will be torn down—not before the football season is over, anyhow."

"Why not?" demanded Tom.

"Because the law is so slow. If it's a question of title to land it can go through several courts before it's definitely decided. I know because my father's a lawyer, and he's had several cases of disputed titles."

"Well, there's something in that," declared Phil. "But I don't like to think of old Randall being in any kind of danger. It makes me uneasy."

The talk became general, and there were many speculations as to what the trouble really was, and what the outcome would be. The conversation continued after our friends had gone to their room, whither flocked a number of their chums to discuss the situation. For the time being football was forgotten, and the trouble of Randall held the centre of the stage.

"Well, there's no use worrying about a bridge, until you hear the rustle of its wings," said Sid at length.

"What we fellows need to do is to get out and make a noise like having some fun," opined Dutch Housenlager. "When the cat's gone on her vacation, the mice eat bread and cheese, you know. Proc. Zane is closeted with the bunch of high-