Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/159

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"Come on, Phil and Tom," urged Dan, and the end and quarter-back followed. The other boys, finding the storm most unpleasant, now thai the excitement was over, moved toward their rooms.

Proctor Zane stated the case to the president, and then Kindlings made his appeal.

"We want to arrange for the rebuilding of the stand at once," he said, "as we expect a big crowd at the Canton game, and we need all the seats we can get."

"Yes," remarked Dr. Churchill, musingly. "I presume the athletic committee has the funds available to pay for the work."

"No, we haven't, Dr. Churchill," answered Holly Cross, who acted as treasurer, "but we thought the amount could be advanced from the college treasury, and we could pay it back, as we did once or twice before. We'll need quite a large sum, I'm afraid, for the stand is one of the big ones, and is flat on the ground."

"Yes," again mused the president. "Well, young gentlemen, I would be very glad indeed to advance the money from our treasury, but, I regret to say, that it is impossible."

"Impossible!" repeated Holly.

"Yes, for the reason that there is no money in the treasury."