Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/160

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"No money!" The students looked at each other aghast.

"No," went on Dr. Churchill. "This legal complication regarding the missing quit-claim deed, and the lawsuit that has been started against the college, has made it necessary to spend considerable cash in the way of preliminary fees and court expenses. This has left the college without a running balance. In fact, Randall is poorer to-day than ever before. I might add that even money to pay the salaries of the faculty is lacking, and——"

There was something like a gleam of hope in the eyes of the youths, but it died away when the president, with a grim smile added:

"I will state, however, that the gentlemen of the faculty regard the financial difficulty as only temporary, and are willing to continue on without pay for a while, so you see there is no excuse for not attending lectures," and the president's eyes twinkled. "But that is why," he continued, "I can not advance any sum for the rebuilding of the collapsed grandstand. I am very sorry, but it will have to stay down for the present."

"Then we'll lose on the Canton game," spoke Sid in a low voice, "lose money, I mean."

"It's too bad we can't have it put up," came from Phil, as the lads filed from the president's room, where the conference had taken place.