Page:The Winning Touchdown.djvu/161

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"No use in having a meeting, if we can't get the money."

"Yes, there is too!" cried Tom Parsons, suddenly.

"Do you think we fellows can raise enough cash by ourselves?" demanded Kindlings. "I wish we could, but we can't."

"We can raise enough for what I am going to suggest,," declared Tom.

"And what's that?"

"Enough for hammers and saws and nails."

"And let the grandstand rebuild itself?" asked Phil, incredulously.

"No!" cried Tom, eagerly. "We fellows can rebuild it ourselves! I know how to handle tools, and I guess lots of the other fellows do, also. We can do it if we try. We haven't got the money to hire carpenters, so we'll be carpenters ourselves! We'll build that grandstand!"

"Hurrah for Carpenter Tom!" cried Dutch Housenlager, doing a Highland fling down the long dormitory corridor.

"I don't know the difference between a beam and a joist, and a two-by-four is as illuminating to me as a Greek root would be to a baby," said Kindlings, "but I'm with you, fellows!"

"So am I!" cried Frank Simpson. "I worked in a lumber camp once, and——"

"Say, is there anything you didn't do?" asked