Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/217

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Under a Cloud

Henry thought hard for a moment, then decided that the best thing to do would be to tell the captain at once what had happened. The crippling of the Iroquois’ wireless just at this juncture could make no vital difference, for the ship was almost ready to drop her anchor, and if the sailors had got the captain’s message, they would be ready to come aboard. Doubtless the chief electrician would be with them. He could probably repair the damage quickly.

The instant he had come to a decision, Henry raced up to the bridge. “Captain Hardwick,” he reported, “something has gone wrong with the wireless. I cannot get a spark out of it. I was unable to send your last message. I do not know what is wrong, and I thought perhaps I had better not tinker with the instruments, seeing that the chief electrician is likely so near at hand.”

“Something wrong with the wireless? ” echoed the captain, his face becoming grave. “What have you done to it?”

“Not a thing, Captain. I handled it just as I have always handled a wireless set. When I came up on the bridge a few moments ago it was working perfectly. When I tried to send your message, the key was dead.”

“Maybe you had a loose connection.”

“I examined the outfit for that, sir.”

“Are you sure that you didn’t do something to