Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/218

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The Wireless Operator

the instruments? Didn’t forget about your power? If you allow too much direct current to pass through your instruments, you will burn them out.”

“I know that, Captain. And I didn’t use too much current. The outfit is just as it was when Mr. Sharp was in charge.”

“Where’s Mr. Belford?” asked the commander. “Find him.”

Belford was still talking to the quartermaster. They had been on the bridge, on the sheltered side of the wheel-house ever since Belford had left the radio shack.

“Go take a look at the wireless,” directed the commander, “and see if you can do anything with it.”

“Where’s Black?” demanded the captain, after Belford had run down the ladder.

The quartermaster and Henry went in search of him. They found him in his bunk, asleep. It was necessary to shake him roundly before he woke. Evidently he had been long asleep. He went up to the bridge with them.

“Do you know anything about this difficulty with the wireless?” asked the captain, suspiciously.

“What difficulty? Ive been in my bed asleep for an hour, sir. I didn’t know there was any difficulty.”