Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/42

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The Wireless Operator

to your suit-case? Did you lose that over- board?”

“Gee!” said Henry. “I forgot all about that. It’s back on the pier that I fell from. Is there any way I could get it?” And he began to look much worried.

“Don’t be alarmed about it,” replied the captain. “We'll have it on board in a jiffy.”

He stepped to the table in the centre of the cabin and pressed a call-button that hung over it. An attendant instantly responded.

“Rollin,” said the captain, “tell Lieutenant Hill that this lad had a suit-case, and that, unless some one has taken it, it is on the pier from which he fell. Ask the lieutenant to see that it is recovered at once.”

The attendant raced up the companionway, and a moment later Henry heard the clang of the bell in the little motor-boat and the churning of her propeller.

“I’m mighty sorry you fell overboard,” continued the captain, “but I’m also mighty glad to welcome you aboard the Iroquois. After what you did for me, it gives me the greatest pleasure to be of some slight service to you. Now tell me something about yourself. What is your name? And where do you come from? Seeing that you carry a suit-case, I judge that you do not live in New York.”