Page:The Wireless Operator with the U.S. Coast Guard.djvu/43

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A Fight for Life

“No, I do not,” said Henry. “My home is in Central City, Pennsylvania, and my name is Henry Harper.”

“Well, we‘ll shake hands, Henry. My name is Hardwick—Captain Hardwick.” And he thrust out a muscular palm.

Henry shook the proffered hand. “I owe you my life,” he said. “I never can thank you adequately, but please believe I am grateful to you.”

“Then we are quits. It is a case of tit for tat, isn’t it?” And the captain smiled genially. “Now tell me what brings you to New York and to Staten Island?”

“Well,” explained Henry, “I came over to New York to see an old friend of mine, Willie Brown. He won a place in the Secret Service recently and he promised to try to get me a job if I would visit him.”

The captain frowned ever so slightly. “So you have been bitten by the detective bug, too, have you?” he said.

“No, sir,” answered Henry. “I have no wish to be a detective, but I do want a job. You see, sir, I was graduated from high school only last June, and I want to get to work just as soon as I can. There do not seem to be many very good jobs open to a fellow in a little town like Central City.”

“I see. It always seems that way. Distance