Page:The Works of Alexander Pope (1717).djvu/347

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In her sunk eye-balls dreadful meteors glow,
Such rays from Phœbe's bloody circle flow,
When lab'ring with strong charms, she shoots from high
A fiery gleam, and reddens all the sky.
Blood stain'd her cheeks, and from her mouth there came
Blue steaming poisons, and a length of flame;
From ev'ry blast of her contagious breath,
Famine and drought proceed, and plagues, and death:
A robe obscene was o'er her shoulders thrown,
A dress by fates and furies worn alone:
She toss'd her meagre arms; her better hand
In waving circles whirl'd a fun'ral brand;
A serpent from her left, was seen to rear
His flaming crest, and lash the yielding air.
But when the fury took her stand on high,
Where vast Cythæron's top salutes the sky,
A hiss from all the snaky tire went round;
The dreadful signal all the rocks rebound,
And thro' th' Achaian cities send the sound.
