Page:The Works of Alexander Pope (1717).djvu/348

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Oete, with high Parnassus, heard the voice;
Eurota's banks remurmur'd to the noise;
Again Leucothoë shook at these alarms,
And press'd Palæmon closer in her arms.
Headlong from thence the glowing fury springs,
And o'er the Theban palace spreads her wings,
Once more invades the guilty dome, and shrouds
Its bright pavilions in a veil of clouds.
Strait with the [1] rage of all their race possest,
Stung to the soul, the brothers start from rest,
And all the furies wake within their breast.
Their tortur'd minds repining envy tears,
And hate, engendered by suspicious fears;
And sacred thirst of sway; and all the ties
Of nature broke; and royal perjuries;
And impotent desire to reign alone,
That scorns the dull reversion of a throne;
Each would the sweets of sov'reign rule devour,
While discord waits upon divided pow'r.

  1. Gentilisque animos subit furor, seems to me a better reading than Gentilesque.
