Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/23

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"The marginal remarks pencilled occasionally were made by two friends who saw the thing in MS. sometime previous to publication. 1812."

On the verso of the single bluish-grey cover, the lines, "Dear Object of Defeated Care," have been inscribed. They are entitled, "Written beneath the picture of J. U. D." They are dated, "Byron, Athens, 1811."

The following notes and memoranda have been bound up with the MS.:—

"Henry Drury, Harrow. Given me by Lord Byron. Being his original autograph MS. of the first canto of Childe Harold, commenced at Joannina in Albania, proceeded with at Athens, and completed at Smyrna."

"How strange that he did not seem to know that the volume contains Cantos I., II., and so written by Ld. B.!" [Note by J. Murray.]

"Sir,—I desire that you will settle any account for Childe Harold with Mr. R. C. Dallas, to whom I have presented the copyright.

"Yr. obedt. Servt.,

"To Mr. John Murray,
"32, Fleet Street,
"London, Mar. 17, 1812."

"Received, April 1st, 1812, of Mr. John Murray, the sum of one hundred pounds 15/8, being my entire half-share of the profits of the 1st Edition of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 4to.

"R. C. Dallas.

"£ 101: 15: 8. Mem.: This receipt is for the above sum,
in part of five hundred guineas agreed to
be paid by Mr. Murray for the Copyright
of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage."

The following poems are appended to the MS. of the First and Second Cantos of Childe Harold:

1. "Written at Mrs. Spencer Smith's request, in her memorandum-book—

"'As o'er the cold sepulchral stone.'"

2. "Stanzas written in passing the Ambracian Gulph, November 14, 1809."