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Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/24

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3. "Written at Athens, January 16th, 1810—

"'The spell is broke, the charm is flown.'"

4. "Stanzas composed October 11, 1809, during the night in a thunderstorm, when the guides had lost the road to Zitza, in the range of mountains formerly called Pindus, in Albania."

On a blank leaf bound up with the MS. at the end of the volume, Byron wrote—

"Dear Ds.,—This is all that was contained in the MS., but the outside cover has been torn off by the booby of a binder.

"Yours ever,

The volume is bound in smooth green morocco, bordered by a single gilt line. "MS." in gilt lettering is stamped on the side cover.


Collation of First Edition, Quarto, 1812, with MS. of the First Canto.

The MS. numbers ninety-one stanzas, the First Edition ninety-three stanzas.

Omissions from the MS.

Stanza vii. "Of all his train there was a henchman page,"—
viii. "Him and one yeoman only did he take,"—
xxii. "Unhappy Vathek! in an evil hour,"—
xxv. "In golden characters right well designed,"—
xxvii. "But when Convention sent his handy work,"—
xxviii. "Thus unto Heaven appealed the people: Heaven,"—
lxxxviii. "There may you read with spectacles on eyes,"—
lxxxix. "There may you read—Oh, Phœbus, save Sir John,"—
xc. "Yet here of Vulpes mention may be made,"—