Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/386

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captain's[1] friends think themselves secure; and the colonel's[2] are so much of the same opinion, that they only drink his health while he is yet alive. However it is thought he will fall easy, with a pension of four thousand pounds a year, and a dukedom. Most of the staunch tories are pleased with the alteration; and the whimsicals pretend the cause of their dispust was, because the whigs were too much favoured.

In short, we propose very happy days to ourselves, as long as this reign lasts; and if the uncertain timorous nature of ——[3] does not disappoint us, we have a very fair prospect. The dragon and his antagonist[4] meet every day at the cabinet. They often eat, and drink, and walk together, as if there was no sort of disagreement: and when they part, I hear they give one another such names, as nobody but ministers of state could bear, without cutting throats. The duke of Marlborough is expected here every day. Dr. Garth says, he comes only to drink the Bristol waters for a diabetes. The whigs are making great preparations to receive him. But yesterday I was offered considerable odds, that not one of those, who go out to meet him, will visit him in half a year. I durst not lay, though I can hardly think it. My lord Marr is married to lady Frances Pierrepoint; and my lord Dorchester, her father, is to be married next week to lady Bell Bentinck. Let me know if you go to Pope's, that I may endeavour to meet you there. I am, &c.