Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/387

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LONDON, JULY 24, 1714.

WE expected the grand affair would have been done yesterday, and now every body agrees it will be to night[1]. The bishop of London, lord Bathurst, Mr. Bridges, sir William Wyndham, and Campion, are named for commissioners of the treasury; but I have not sufficient authority for you to depend upon it. They talk of the duke of Ormond for our lord lieutenant. I cannot get the pamphlet back. What shall I do? I wish you would send me the other copy. My lord Anglesey goes next Monday to Ireland. I hear he is only angry with the chancellor, and not at all with the captain.


I SAW lord Harley this morning. He tells me, that he left you horridly in the dumps. I wish you were here; for, after giving a quarter of an hour's vent to our grief for the departure of our don Quixote[2], we should recover ourselves, and receive


  1. The dismission of lord Oxford.
  2. Lord Oxford, who was just at this time dismissed from his employment as first minister, and immediately succeeded by lord
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